Which the origin of the politician where we deposit our vote? Of where they raise, for where goes? Who is it? Who is to its side, who is seusparentes, its origin and what they make! Oligarchies are the traditional northeast Aquinos. I live in Pernambuco, ours politicians daqui pertecem to ' ' high clero' ' of Brasilia. The voter in its great majority nor bind ea knowledge level got worse, therefore, have laziness to read, to search, to go the partisan meetings and assemblies. You initiate a sobrepoltica colloquy and start all confusion, you mix everything, you unite if not tivercuidado you pass for insane person, or are treated as being envious. Turmado ' ' how much worse melhor' ' , he adores everything this, and as the majority of them temcara of wood, is little if sandpapering for our opinion, now this tantopara as well as for the evil. I also see polticosengalfinhados hundreds of in actions at law, with dirty name. The polticado culture Brazil, the system where they make what they want, where nor coernciaeles have more. Beyond what these influenciamdemais eleitoreiras research in the favourite target of this group the Z of the esquina, of the Barnab, accomodated poisquo more will be, more accepted all passively. If it also forgets queele is victim and all we suffer in them, with the lack of security, education and public health.