The Socialist President of the Congress believes that it would be good new SAP. I am lightweight luggage but I think live always with the PSOE in my heart. Jose Bono, the Socialist President of the Congress, said Monday, although it has not made a decision, prriria does not occur in the lists of the PSOE for the general elections. In the Albacete town of Salobre, Bono did not want to dispel the doubts about his presence on the lists for the elections of Nov. 20. I am lightweight luggage, and probably good that the new Parliament constitutes without any inherited servitude of the previous, he has pointed out.
He pointed out that this should not be interpreted as a lack of support to the colours of his party, which today more than ever, it has secured dnder with force. The rose in the heart I think living with the PSOE in my heart until I die has guaranteed. And there is, as it has an Apostille, fruits that one has already tasted in sufficient quantity and quality and that now, believes, they should share other companions. Asked about future responsibilities in his party, has limited itself to saying: all who wish me. With respect to the PSOE candidate to the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, Bono has praised his intelligence, skill and ability to work. He has shared the words of the Deputy Secretary-General of the PSOE, Jose Blanco, on which Rubalcaba will be in front of the match 20-N pass whatever happens. It has argued that the Socialist don’t want to stumble again on the same stone as when Joaquin Almunia and Josep Borrell shared the split of the party.
Provincial councils also is has rrido to the words of Rubalcaba on the provincial delegations and has agreed on the need to suppress them, because in the current context of constitutional duties can be perfectly acceptable by other administrations. The President of the Congress has also made balance of the legislature, which has emphasised the agreement of this House and the Senate to publish assets, income and activities of members of Parliament from September 8. It has ensured that no is due to popular pressure derived from the 15-M. Source of the news: Bono considers not be presented to the elections of 20-N