Edward Senator Kennedy

Edward senator Kennedy, an irreparable loss for the politics of the EUA.Roberto Ramalho is Lawyer, Relations Pblicas and Jornalista.Edward Moore ' ' Ted' ' Kennedy, was born in the city americaqna of Boston in 22 of February of 1932, and falecu of cancer in Hyannis Port, 25 of August of 2009. He was one politician who belonged to the Democratical Party, having been reeleito for seven times senator for Massachusetts, being known as ' ' lion of the Senado' '. It was new of the nine children of Joseph P. Kennedy, a man business-oriented in U.S.A. and American former-ambassador of Irish origin. Descendant of a rich family, Ted Kennedy formed itself in Right in the Harvard University, in 1956, having been previously banishes from the same university for embezzling examinations, what at the time it was a lamentable attitude. Its first mandate as senator, por, was gotten the adjournment of elections after, what it allowed that had the necessary minimum age for the position, in the vacant left for its brother, elect president, generating aiding accusations, but that in the truth it did not have. What it existed in the truth was pure envy and ambition of the republicans for the position that came to be busy for it. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Ohio Senator.

Integrant of the most detached dynasty politics of the United States of America, Ted Kennedy had as many defects as virtues in its life in family. More the fact most serious for its life was to have had a brother who arrived at the presidency of the Republic, John Kennedy, and that he would be assassinated during the mandate in 1963, in a conspiracy that until today did not define who had been the ordering and assasasinos Reals. The other, Robert Kennedy, Then minister of Justice in the government of its brother, disputed the indication for the position of president of the Republic, but he also finished being assassinated, in 1968. .