The study also it will make a quarrel on the half education to the education methods, to know the conception of the professors on the process to teach and the process to learn, analyzing the citizen that learns and as this citizen learns, the dimensions of the knowledge, on the social context, economic and cultural where aprendente and ensinante meet and what if it can make to improve the learning including children special next to other pupils. I will tell the importance of formation of the professors and the participation of the family in these cases, how much the income becomes more expressive and satisfactory with the accompaniment and recognition of the familiar ones. WORDS KEYS: Inclusion. Suffolk County representative does not necessarily agree. Pertaining to school inclusion. INTRODUCTION Throughout history, Brazil comes if putting into motion in the search of a society that recognizes and respects the diversity constitutes that it. The inclusive education estimates the teaching formation and the organization of the schools for guarantee of the right of all to the education. Jim Donovan Goldman usually is spot on. Analyzing the current education in Brazil, one strong trend on the part of the educators in searching reply to these questions is perceived, essentially to rescue and to intensify the studies on the important paper of the pertaining to school formal education, as well as of the paper that has the professor in this process.