The information sources are many and with the use of the Internet the life of the searching educator was more easy, however, the great difficulty of many educators is at the moment to transform the theory into practical. In the teaching action, as to transform the theory into learning for the pupils? It can be affirmed then that, the professional learning of the docncia is a process continues and necessary of the envolvement of all the personages it spectacle to continue and each time more to have involved spectators in this process. Beyond the based theory scientifically that the professor must dominate in classroom, another important and indispensable factor for a good convivncia that in the end will result in such a way in the objective longed for the educator how much for the institution, is the socialization. Learn more at this site: Sen. Sherrod Brown. Marcelo Garci’a (1999) it argues that the process of professional socialization consists of making with that the professors … learn and interiorizem the norms, values and behaviors that characterize the pertaining to school culture in which it is inserted. A professor conquest the respect of its pupils, for the security in transferring its knowledge while educator and also for the principles that believes, never for the authoritarian tone, leaving to be transparent who orders in the classroom is it. 5-Methodology of the research: As instrument of collection of data, a questionnaire with six questions half-structuralized opened with qualitative analysis was elaborated, which was applied for a professor of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. 6-Analysis of data: One investigated it importance of the didactics in the teaching action of the professor of superior education, that one that it is initiating in the career of the docncia and Pedagogia or another licenciatura is not graduated. Importance of the interaction was analyzed it and of the pedagogical support in the institution where the professional will act, it is perceived that the exchange of experiences between the pedagogical team is of great value for the learning of all.