CEU Students

On 17 February took place the day of election of squares Erasmus and international mobility at the Universidad CEU San Pablo in which more than 500 students participated between its two campuses, the Moncloa Campus and the Monteprincipe Campus. Students will have access to this scholarship within the Erasmus programme of the European Commission (lifelong learning programme) or through bilateral exchange agreements subscribed between the Universidad CEU San Pablo and other foreign universities. Selected students, depending on the position reached in the selection tests, could choose their destination University during this journey, which counted for your organization with the sponsorship of Talkyonline, who made the presentation take Talky Erasmus, informing students telephone service by internet Talky. The future Erasmus students were able to learn in detail the advantages and solutions provided by the Talky service for those who, like them, will need an effective and economical way of communicating from abroad. Thus, for example, that calls and videoconferences between Talky users are free of charge; as your off net rates are up to 70% cheaper than Skype, or how to get a Spanish and international numbering between more than 50 countries. The new Erasmus students, learned about during the course of the presentation other many services offered by Talky that could be very useful, as the sending of SMS, mobile recharges national international, cards.

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JOSE BRECHNER step joy that produced the uprising in Cairo and Mr. Obama did not open his mouth to congratulate the other revolutionaries in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen. It is that newborn begins to realize his was. His speech in support of the mutiny in Egypt, inspired others. As usual Mr. Obama says or does any untimely idiocy and then don’t know how to correct the error. The rioters are not friends of the United States nor of him.

Not to be in the White House BO became smarter or changed their thoughts and nested sentiments of lifetime in your brain and your heart. Always thought the anointed one that will change the history of mankind and the changes are happening. Perhaps others are idiots and BO is reaching its goal. The pressure is big, is noticeable in las Canas they gushed him. On the one hand it is a revolutionary socialist Muslim pro, on the other hand it is the President of the most powerful Judeo-Christian capitalist country in the world, which is conservative in the political and economic although it can be very open to social change. Therefore happens that Mr. President, don’t know to measure the difference between the social and political, as it happens to the Liberals.

Liberals put all the vegetables in the same soup, but some can poison potion. Every country in the Middle East has its own characteristics. Egypt to Libya or Lebanon to Bahrain is not the same. Americans can also us seem much but we are not equal. The Peruvians aren’t as Bolivians, nor the Uruguayans and Argentines. You have to know the territory to realize. Mr. Obama doesn’t realize until they are explained and this always happens once commanded the savagery. The interests of the United States should take precedence over their wishes of a Socialist planet of friends twinned with Muslims good, not the bad, as the anointed says: there are a few.

Warm Shoes

You can go to hike in sneakers, but such high demands on footwear are presented not in vain. First of all, it should be noted that in addition to your body weight on the shoes will be more pressure and weight of your backpack, but it's more 10-15-20 kg. You'll rarely walk on prepared trails that require good protection leg (high "boards" to protect them from sprains), good tread soles (to prevent slippage) and conformal coating (to avoid getting wet feet). This does not mean you can not go the route of conventional running shoes (which is very often the case), but the shoe is desirable to pay more attention. In addition, during the warm season is not advisable to walk in sandals with open toes (feet during the walk and sweat begin to slide, can get small pebbles), gym shoes with thin soles (fast heat) and slippers.

Hiking boots should be 1-1,5 size greater than that had the opportunity to put it on thick socks (in the warm season – cotton, in the cold – wool, or other warm material). This will help prevent the appearance of blisters and abrasions. You also need to take a change shoes for walk in the evenings to a halt. It could be flip-flops and sandals, as long as they are not too heavy and did not occupy much space in your backpack. Clothes for a hike in hiking backpacking does not have to take a lot of clothes. If the campaign for up to 4 days, then generally need a minimum of clothing.

Middle Ages

Rights in connection with the ov , saying that "State as a political organization is peculiar desire to expand his power and unlimited, and not vice versa. The author correctly points out that "the state as a political organization is not able to acts of self-sacrifice in the form of restrictions and difficulties of its own procedural requirements and the law. It does this not because of awareness of their own depravity and inability, without legal limitation to exclude arbitrariness on its part, but because of external compulsion to do so. Such coercion has a society that is a social and material basis for a viable state "21. Fourthly, the state – is completely closed social organization, is a continuous current bureaucracy, perform public functions for the members of which is constant and predominant activity (ie, occupational, profession). In the Middle Ages a prominent British political activist T. Moore in his book "Utopia" said: "When I watched carefully and thinking about all states that thrive to this day, honestly, I have not met anything but certain conspiracy of rich, under the pretext and the name of the state think about their benefits. " Caste exclusivity and social closure of the state organization provided the right. And notice, mn , "people are often at the same time is nothing more than social background, political or ideological screen behind which lurks real state power belongs to a particular ruling stratum, class, the ruling group or social stratum. Past, regardless of whether they are called, and seems to be in practical everyday life are the true holders of state power, the real creators of domestic and foreign policy "22.

The Lack Of Abode

The lack of dwelling Teodulo Lopez Melendez the banishment of the habits of humanistic appearance is the main logical event of our time, an event to which it is useless to seek refuge in arguments of goodwill. Peter Sloterdijk the lack of dwelling expression is Heidegger’s when letter on humanism thus defined the outstanding ontological trait of contemporary man. It is precisely in an errancy, how heideggerian, where is the man. Gianni Vattimo phoned the characteristic nihilist’s postmodern man weak thought. In the absence of a thought that speaks the truth and (strong) all has risen one who rejects the (weak) omnicomprehensive legitimations.

From there the suffering of the post-modern man would simply is not yet sufficiently nihilistic, because you have nostalgia for what was lost and is not yet accustomed to the dissolution of being, this time stamp, so that man is It ensures to live with semiverdades and without grounds. We will have to resort to a paradigm of complexity such as Edgar Morin, defined him to move to a logic contrary to immobility and make waking the man. We are involved in static concepts, man has left to conceptualise in a complex manner. The totalizing vision that exceeds human contradictions this is, the utopia – remains already hanging on the coat rack. The protest of the subjectivity in this way destotalizo, although the lack of answers causes 21st century some totalitarian scatological complete closing of the social and the conservative reaction of denial of the possibility of change in the established.

The human being is shown splinter. It is pessimistic and selfless, as if it nadase in a dystopia of an absolute solitude against himself. Protective wrappings disintegrate, as the nation-State, powerless before the unique problems that have become universal. Against this, the lack is that of a complex thought, one that we might well call disutopico, open to the emergency.

Light Democracy

Quickly power sets out that thats not democracy, is a crisis of democracy and must be overcome by all means, extinguishing what appropriate. All these reviews are from liberal sources, of the progressive wing of the ideological range that holds the power, not to say corporations, but the principles are definitely the same. The past 35 years have been one of those stages that arrive from time to time, as important crusade directed to try to overcome what is seen as the great crisis of democracy and to submit to the citizen to its role as indifferent, passive and submissive spectator. This is our policy. The working class in our country was opposed to the return of the conservative principles created by the liberalism in the industrial system, and claimed that those who worked in the factories should own them, evoking the spirit of representative democracy. They denounced what they called the new spirit of the age: prosper is and set aside less to oneself, a negligible vision of human life that should be instilled in the thinking of the people without spare energy, what in fact has happened for years. Our life It is conditioned much more of what we believe by a total acceptance of concepts that seem true and logical. Man, not amount regardless of his condition, occupation or task, is naturally a philosopher and can not be though it proposes it.

What happens is that his philosophy, that of the generality of men, is what others thought by him and is constituted by the Repertoire more or less broad ideas and valoraciones on which it counts and from which live, without repairing them without preocupares by knowing where you are or what they mean. So opinions, criteria and consensus, are formed to create a man Light, indifferent to social issues, undermined by the enthroned desire of being a compulsive consumer, and to fundamentally globalize us better. The appropriate formula that gives the solution to the problem is, therefore the following: is necessary the interest coincides with the duty to make particular interests and the general interest to be safeguarded and to prevent the bankruptcy of the social dynamism, zahiera to the all economic doctrines essential fact: the man.

Meaning in Life

Have you ever felt, empty, meaningless of life and by the same depression and crisis?. Meet here because. The sense of life: Behavior professionals have now found that there is a sense of internal human emptiness and this is due to both men and women have not found their own identity, not know that they want to, they don’t know that they feel, they don’t know they need, do not know who they are, they don’t know where they go andi.e. they have not found a sense of life. There is a directly proportional relationship: less sense of life disorders more emotional.

Nitche already said: who has a to make live always finds an as. . If! The meaning of life, is a highly motivating force and has to do with: A sense of improvement for this world, mystical and religious beliefs, related to a cause or ecological goal and/or higher. The basic decisions of life: this sense of life unfolds and is linked to two great pillars of human life. They are: (I) the relational decision. (II) vocational I Decision relational decision: as surprising as it may seem it not all humans have the same relational vocation, i.e. not all have the inclination of we got married, have children and live happily ever.

As they have us believe. There are several relational vocations: A) marriage vocation B) C) vocation to family II vocational Decision bachelorhood vocation: this decision has to do with a you’re going to spend in your life, which is or will be your profession, which you’re going to earn a living. Traditionally we have been educated to study or devote ourselves to something that let us money, although this occupation does not like us or report us any pleasure, even we don’t have talent to develop, this is really pathetic, yes we have in mind that most of our life we had to play this activity, given that the labour time is 8 to 10 hours a dayconservatively; this mean most of our life time, if we take into account that we slept an average of 8 hours and work as we saw for 8 to 10 hours daily because they are 18 hours, the day has 24 hours we still have 6 hours we spend on downtimes such as transport, power, daily obligations and some entertainment; so I say that the majority of our time is spent in our profession or gainful employment. It is therefore vital that our occupational decision be source of personal satisfaction in our lives to build a healthy identity which is intimately related to our professional activity and the good results of this. To have a good mental and emotional health is essential to have a clear personal identity, to do this we need to know exactly what our relational vocation Yes were born to get married and have children or not since there are other ways to relate very valid and also we can provide satisfaction, on the other hand, find our true occupational vocation, which really us satisfaction personal and real pleasure to play it.

Mohamed Jatami

A modernization that passes through the reform of economic structures, the fight against inflation, which reaches record of 20% per year, against unemployment, against the accentuation of the gap between rich and poor. Presumably, therefore, internal problems to focus future discussion national. Not confrontation interested to the inhabitants of the Persian country both with the West over the nuclear program, as the broken promises of Ahmadinejad, who Center their presidential campaign in defence of the interests of the poor. But if criticism of questionable economic management of the President have abandoned streets of the Souk for meeting its due echo in the pages of major newspapers, his handling of the nuclear crisis has, strangely, the almost unconditional support of the classes more disadvantaged, little prone to forget the old nationalist cliches, that loan to Iran, cradle of an ancient civilization, that owns and defends values much higher than those of the West. While the military seem willing to support the current conservative turn, students show their total indifference before the results of the elections. Remember that the reforms announced in the 1990s by the team led by the liberal Mohamed Jatami stayed in water of Borage.

The University not only unknown to the candidates, but rather just feel curious about them. You know beforehand, like the rest of the Iranian population, the current conservative will feature more than 70% of the seats in the new Majlis (Parliament) and that the struggle for instead is limited to a few veiled criticisms of governmental action, that hidden, in fact, large maneuvers devised by the promoters of the generational change. Apparently, all attempts of Washington promote or impose the establishment of a democratic system (i.e., pro-Western) have failed.