The Political Power

When we indicated the limits of the policy we understand what includes and therefore, we include/understand its definition, nevertheless the humanity is before the dilemma to find a consensus in reference to where are the limits. Other branches like those of the medicine exist and the architecture that has their delimited battle area or, clearly and defined, nevertheless the policy includes everything, its battle area is the entire world, from Alaska to the Polynesian islands all we comprised, in major or measured minor, of the extensive concept of policy. The policy is everywhere, is universal and in spite of it, not only by being it we have the same definition of the same exactly. Around the world, in the million universities educate that it, those professors of humanities exist all, each with its own definition, nevertheless that does not mean that they are all evil, is very complicated to create a definition that is not very vague but that it does not border on the end of the exactitude so that important data are omitted. The Real Academy Spanish defines to the policy as Art or draws up whereupon a subject is conducted or the average ones are used to reach an aim determinado2 but in the personnel, a so ample subject is very concise when imagining with the previous words, and even so minimalister definitions exist. We can call to the policy like the art of the good government as Aristotle and Plato did? He is then that. The good government is the result of carrying out a good policy? Foucault in his book of Gobernmentality assures to us that inquisitive ones with respect to the government exist three: the government of one same one, who corresponds to the personal conduct; the government of the souls and lives, who corresponds to the one of the religion and churches; and the government of the state.

Diagnostic Educational Evaluation

There Of dnde the traverse of joins evaluacin disgnostic, podrs to see itself los estudiantes tienen los necesarios conocimientos prerequirements y to use methodology defined for el Proyecto Pedagogical Politician. Word clave: Drama. It discusses inaugural. Disgnostic Evaluacin. Prctica there educative. 1 Introduction All beginning of course in such a way involves great expectations for pupils as for the proper professors. By means of the scientific knowledge on the conjugated one of existing and integrated evaluations between itself, it is of extreme importance and great relevance that if the course with a disgnostic evaluation initiates.

The evaluation disgnostic has as definition according to UNIVERSITY 2005, p.1: She is that one carried through at the beginning of a course, period of learning period or unit of education, with the intention to evidence if the prerequisite pupils present or not it domain of the necessary ones, that is, if they possess the essential knowledge and abilities for the new learnings. Therefore the purpose of this work is to present a different method of the habitual one, but inside of the perspectives of a disgnostic evaluation, where the proper pupils would have the chance of choice from three hypotheses, used through the instrument of dramatizao for the professor, the pedagogical methodology to be used by the Escola.Seria a form to construct and to cultivate since the beginning of the course the importance of the joint and democratic construction of knowledge and an open space of dialogue between professor and pupil. Where the inaugural lesson through the technique of dramatizao of the three hypotheses, appears as object of this study. How much the manifestations in the practical pertaining to school, through the theories of Libneo, 1990, p.34, we have that when considering new models of education directed toward the interaction contents – social realities, reach or we advance in terms of a joint of the politician and the pedagogical one, in the transformations of the relations of production of the knowledge.

Annual Planning

Many of these need pertaining to school transport to arrive at the school. No longer turn of the afternoon, the clientele is of population children that inhabit in the headquarters. In the groups of the night the feminine sex predominates. it was observed that the evasion is very great, does not know the causes of these upheavals. 3 – DESCRIPTIONS OF the ACTIVITIES DEVELOPED IN PERIOD OF TRAINING 3,1 Comment and co-participation a period that occurred of 17/05/2011 to the 3105/2011 mainly, where everything what it happens is newness, for trainees who not yet have or possess little experience in classroom. It is a very enriquecedor moment for all the involved parts, therefore, it is where professors, trainees and pupils are if finding for the first time, then it is natural that he has a new climate, of discovery or same, of uncertainties and doubts that throughout the period of training goes if breaking and when the work is in the apex of the development, is hour to lock up.

During this stage, I perceived that the professor-regent has many resources, works of dynamic form. It used the picture. He observed himself that although all the existing difficulties had interaction, interest and learning in the lessons. 3,2 Constructed planning at the beginning of the year, the Project Pedagogical Politician if finds with the direction to the disposal of the professors and also of the community. The Annual Planning indicates the lines of direction of the relation of the contents, objectives and methodologies for the execution of each discipline.

The Planning of unit was carried through of 01/06/2011 to the 02/06/2011. This is elaborated in the end of each unit and, with the orientation of the coordinators, participation of the professors and the direction. It was a moment of reflections on practical the educative one and where if it made questionings in relation to the high characteristic indices of pertaining to school evasion of the turn of the night.

Emanuela Mendes Kruschewsky

Death of the Milk of Carlos Drummondde Andrade* Emanuela Mendes Kruschewsky ** SUMMARY: The present objective article to analyze opoema Death of the Milk, of Carlos Drummond de Andrade, tendocomo thematic line poetry and politics of the poet. In this way they poemavem, to confirm it the participativa poetry of the author, as well as, to express opertencimento of a collective about the participant poetry deDrummond. ABSTRACT: Thisarticle aims you analyze the poem ‘ ‘ Death of Dairy, ‘ ‘ byCarlos Drummond de Andrade, with the subject line of poetryand politics poet. Then, the poem confirms the author’ s participatorypoetry, well express the belonging of community about thepoetry of Drummond participant. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Poetry; social enrollment; CarlosDrummond de Andrade. KEYWORDS: Poetry, social engagement, Carlos Drummond de problematic Andrade social seinstala in the space of the rhythmic and metric descontrao. He is nesseponto of its trajectory that unclasps, with calm vehemence ecauta, the thematic social politics and.

Engagement, the poet> Death of the milk. Nor therefore, however, the lyricism if absents to it of paleta: queautntica rank, the fraternal emotion for the death of the innocent young man vibrauma olmpica note, that if would say emanated of the natural reserve poetaou of it of the innate pendor for the transcendentalismo. (MOISES. 2005, p.448) CONSIDERAES INITIAL the poem results of the elaboration dalinguagem, whose process of manipulation of the words is made with oalvo to get one definitive effect thus and, to express certain visodo real. In this way, Carlos Drummond deAndrade, one of the biggest names of Brazilian Literature, became umcnone, for writing a literature that presents poetical flashes, circumscribed in the objective time where he lived and to the space brasileiroque served to it as experience in the world, if becoming dasmaiores figures of the Modernismo, thus also in our histrialiterria. In sight of this, this article has comoobjetivo to study the poem Death of the milk drummondiana engaged Poetry ; second, intitled: Analysis of the poem Death of the milk of Carlos Drummond de Andrade I with another one.

Politics in Venezuela

It is not possible to be ignored serious the harassment political at general, that is to say own level of the policy, of the groups of being able dominant politicians, prevailing ideology, that generates effects in the political life of the country, like in the work, more when there are ideological discrepancies, positions granted by personal favors, political commitments, often without concerning the competitions, abilities, knowledge. All this, of not knowing how itself to handle brings about negative results, at level society, community, like an ominous organizational climate for the objectives, plans established by the company. In our case of greater interest the one of the companies, these do not have to allow that in their sine by political divergences conflicts are generated that to them long affect to him. It must be known how to ethically handle the political ideologies without allowing that these indicate and affect the productivity substantially. One knows that in the Venezuelan case that it concerns to us, for political reasons, where there is an iron division between the followers of government and the cons, the harassment is pronounced according to the interests of every one, until the end that originates unemployment, serious discrimination, affectations in the organizational behavior that affect the productivity. It is not possible to be only contracted those who get along with a certain ideology, is due to consider in priority, the knowledge, abilities, experience, skills of the professionals based on profits, of another form, pronounces itself what is constant in means, waste of talent, human capital. It is a certain fact, that the harassment political at general level has taken passage to protests, claims, reactions in order to avoid the injury of the rights to that he has each to dissent with others, so is the case of the woman, where, for example, the women town councillors of Bolivia impel a law that protect of the discrimination and the political harassment on the part of their even men, to who they attribute acts of intimidation and until threats of death, in particular in the countryside.


The used way is the Direct Treasure, system of purchase of public headings for physical people pelainternet ( .DelanoFranco, director of the Global Mellon Investments Brazil, has 30% of proper suacarteira of investments in NTNs-B (Notes of the Nacionalda Treasure series B). They are headings that have a tax of interests predetermined in momentoda purchase and are corrected by the IPCA, official pointer of inflation. – I prefer to buy headings directly because, differently of umfundo, I want to choose a stated period of expiration for the headings, quehoje is for 2012 and 2015 – it explains. It still has half diverse dasaplicaes in deep multimarkets of the Mellon, the greater partecom macroeconomic strategies, that try to anticipate dosjuros trends and of the exchange. Few also are the ones that consider oimvel proper an investment.

It is the case of Patrician White, dGlobal partner Equity, who computes 20% of the patrimony in the property. But to something all they agree: they defend the investment in deep of the proper manager as form to conciliate interesses.ENTENDA Deep DI Soformados for public papers with post-fixed income, and tend to aacompanhar the oscillations of the economy and variations of jurosbsica tax (Selic), reducing the risk of losses. Fixed income Invests in private predetermined headings of the government or (of financial institutions or companies). Diverse Multimercados Operamem markets – action, derivatives, exchange, fixed income and DI, depending on the strategy. Considered riskier. Soformados action for actions negotiated in the Stock exchange of So Paulo. Ogestor can choose the companies with bigger possibilities of valuation. ' Long and short' Compramalguns active and vendem others, that the manager finds that they go to sedesvalorizar, making appositive of a company against the other, or mesmode a sector against another one, in the case of the action market. It knows more on finances and investments,

Rio De Janeiro

The profits are substantial and inexpressivos. From north-eastern century XVII dutch presence and the general crisis in the Europe had favored the sugar production and of sorts of north-eastern supplying, that presented greater necessity of man power, acquired for exchange of flour (RIO DE JANEIRO), cachaa and tobacco (BA). Rio De Janeiro is capable to defray the retaken one of Angola. The period of the primitive accumulation of the economy of Plantation is characterized. Socially the Elite is constituted by agricultural proprietors who occupy the positions administrative politicians and. The formation of the of the state of Rio de Janeiro Elite allowed the land appropriation (considering the familiar alliances and governmental resources).

At this Portugal moment it comes back its eyes toward Brazil having it as main source of good, and as extension of Portuguese territory increasing incentive to that they desired if to establish in the country. The first organizations politics *** and the concern in deciding the internal problems appear to keep the order. At this Portugal moment it has the concern to organize expeditions of recognition for the Brazilian hinterland, and the northwest with the intention to demarcate its territory (creation of the state of the Maranho and the Par Grain). In century XVIII it at the beginning had the fall in the of the state of Rio de Janeiro sugar production which had the mineradora activity of the seven hundred. It is possible that from 1750 ' ' acar' ' inhabitant of the state of Rio de Janeiro is the responsible one for the biggest integration to the Atlantic market. The performance of the commerce, considering the collection of customs, can be evaluated by the fact of that from 1729, Rio De Janeiro more than collected the half of the value of the three main ports of Brazil. The commerce tends to surpass the Plantation in consequence of the increase of the slave traffic, importation and exportations.

The Democratization

The school will be able to less contribute for the democratization of the society, being a place for this exercise of citizenship compromised to the interests of those favored social groups. It is of basic importance the democratic management in the school. The way them educators to organize the lessons in groups, no school must forget the organization them interpersonal relations and the convivncia. The school has diverse social functions, one of them would be the proper socialization of the individual, acquiring knowledge to guarantee one better survival. Another function is to improve social inaqualities cultural giving to conditions of defense to the pupils in the area social politics and.

We can still cite the school as ccomplishing: of social assistance; of socializadora of knowledge; of padronizadora of attitudes; habits and values; of training for the work market. The school is the rendering greater of social service. Main intention to educate is to bring for the integrant ones of the current society where we live conditions more you prosper and more positive, molding collective and proportionate character Reals values for valuation human being. 3 CURRENT POLITICOS-FILOSFICOS 3.1 EDUCATION AS REDENTORA OF THE SOCIETY The redentora trend emphasizes the importance of the all social one, the composition of the society is made in such a way by the operating individuals how much for that they are its edge. Being thus this trend it understands the education as formadora of the personality and development of indispensable the ethical values for the social convivncia. It is certain to say that the instruction it always finishes enriching the construction of the personality and that the formation demand, inevitably, the assimilation to know cultural, moral and ethical (PUIG, JOSEP 2000). The education imposes of independent form its intervention in the decisions of the all social one. The redentora trend search to redeem the society of its mazelas.