The Common

They are a great aid, but also it is necessary to accept that all are not infallible, by rather caused that are. There are even many consultants and advisers who (we have) have criticized the way of how they become, because they have become excessive, very full analyses of matrices, pictures and suppositions, complicated with riddles, and plenary sessions of unattainable objectives by impossible and/or to make of the dreams and little viable desires, aims of the same. They are action programs, which are seen and gone see affected reason why &quot happens; afuera" , in all the fields and reason why it makes and it lets make the competition in the trade. In addition, because plans are made to be developed in extensive times; a thing is to have I put in the long term, and another different one is to draw up to attachment lines " guessing &quot the future; , which is not possible, and who it does, it is practically committing a suicide. To prepare itself so it comes is diferente." The clients are intelligent and we will realize than somos". In markets like which today they are had, it is necessary to be different, that is to say, it is required that a strong element exists that causes that the supply has, really, something that is sufficiently strong and attractive for the segment that works; but it is a fact that the sobresupply that is appraised, makes that a quite simple communication is needed, clear and that it says the things. The reality is demonstrating to us that the clients and prospectuses are people who know and know msde every time trade, because the means of which today account takes control that it is possible. The social Internet, networks, the trade of word, etc., have generated fast and effective diffusion processes, but to speak of the way as it is being spoken, trying more about " descrestar" and to entertain before to do clearly arrive a stimulating message and cash, they make of this other from the common errors. Original author and source of the article

The Client

Newsletters: Newsletters is an excellent communication channel with our customer. Most important of newsletter it is that is not as much promotional obvious, yes it is it, but it does not have to be the primary target, but it offers added value. That is to say, for example, in newsletter we can offer some type of gratuitous unloading e-book, demo-, offer the Link from where to unload the manual of the products that we sell, to inform where are the technical services in case it is applied for our products, etc Others mails that are sent to the users: Not only it is possible that our users receive newsletter. Also, when in the navigation process it is arrived at certain points where the action has been carried out, fits the possibility of sending a mail, for example with the data of the carried out purchase, where one includes information of contact, considered time of delivery, and other data of interest for the buyer. It remembers to include his pages of Twitter and Facebook, for example, in order that the client has the possibility of obtaining a communication " in time real" , in case of needing it. By means of an email it is possible to send announcements of new products or services, new features excellent or any other communication outside the scheme of newsletter, that is considered excellent. An excellent idea is to personalize the messages according to the file of purchases, or the behavior of navigation that the user has declared. Programs of affiliates and incentives.

Reventa of products: Some products are lent to begin a plan of affiliates with them. By means of this simple commercial structure, the affiliates promote and sell our products and services, in exchange for a commission. This solution is ideal for products already established in the market, and with a certain degree of popularity. To make profitable a site is a process that has been time, during which is necessary to carry out a constant work. To make profitable a site implies to become habitual supplier of certain niche of the market, and to obtain this it is necessary to gain a place, and to manage a reputation online. If it has liked this post and wants to place it in its site, can do it without disadvantages, as long as it mentions like source to original Author and source of the article.

Par Productive

In accordance with the studies, these bees were docile, more in compensation the produtividades were very low, ahead of this with intention to search the africanized bees, which were productive, however extremely aggressive, in 1956, professor Warwick Estevan Kerr directed it Africa, with support of the Ministry of Agriculture, with the incumbency to select queens of productive and resistant African beehives the illnesses. The intention was to carry through research comparing the productivity, rusticidade and aggressiveness between the European, African bees and its hybrids and, after the conclusive results, to recommend the bee most appropriate to our conditions. Of this form, in 1957, 49 queens had been taken to the experimental apirio to be tested and comparative with the Italian and black bees. However, nothing she concluded herself of this experiment, therefore, in one virtue accident, 26 of the African beehives enxamearam 45 days the introduction after. The release of these productive, however very very aggressive bees, created a great problem for Brazil with its enxameatrio dead person becoming a chaos in the Brazilian beekeeping. However had the lack of information many beekeepers had given up to create bees, after of 1970 he only had related advances the new tools and techniques of apicultural handling. Currently the bee creation if proceeds from rational way, being indispensable to know the biology of the bees, and from this knowledge the beekeeper will go to know as to act and to act in diverse situations and revisions in the beehives of the apirio However the State of Par possesss an exuberant and diversified apicultural flora, what it provides the beekeeping to be a economic activity and of low ambient impact, making possible the permanent use of the natural resources, preserving the nature and adding this ' ' marketing ecolgico' ' to the gotten products. But until the gift moment is explored, almost that exclusively, the conventional production of honey being limited or even though absent the exploitation of the other apicultural products right-handers (real jelly, pollen, prpolis, apitoxina and the wax) that it would add value to all productive chain.

Brazilian Redemocratizao

In the economic area the management of Squid is characterized by the economic stability and for a surplus trade balance, during its government the index in the job generation increased all in the country, Squid is considered optimum president of Brazil postado in the date leaf in 2009 with 76% of popularity. Its trajectory of man politician grew throughout its militancy. Squid is one of the main icons of the Brazilian Redemocratizao for all its fight and history. During the battle stopped for the Redemocratizao in years 80, some bands had appeared in the scene musical and singers with letters of musics that expressed feelings oppressed and restrained of a time in the dictatorship watched until what the composers wrote, At this moment are born the called movement Brock, with objective to make rock politicized with forceful letters the diverse aspects of the Brazilian society. The band Urban Legion that was formed in 1982 and launched its first album in 85 with musics that criticized the government as ‘ ‘ Generation cocaine-cola’ ‘ that it said in the refro.

We are the children of the revolution, We are bourgeois without religion, We are the future of the nation, Cocaine Generation; ‘ , another well revolutionary music of the band urban legion is ‘ ‘ That country is esse’ ‘ that it is a relief, that it says: – ‘ ‘ in the slum quarters in the Senate dirt pra all side, nobody respects the constitution but all believe the future of nao’ ‘ that Penalty the band had its end in 1997, according to official site the band does not go to congregate itself again in respect to already the deceased Russian Renato.

Federal Prescription

As then such hermeneutics will be fulfilled viscerally how much to the financing of the Political parties and electoral campaigns? Sufficiency to the deep partisan for the financing of the Parties immediately fits then to the prescribed National Congress that hermeneutics giving Politicians, therefore also of the electoral campaigns? What it is subordination the foreign governments? They will be the ONGs and foreign companies duly forbidden to finance candidacies? E, for extension, the companies of total national capital? The TSE has structure enough to effect such control? The Secretariat of the Federal Prescription has fulfilled its functions effectively institucional? the Public prosecution service of the Union and the States? the civil society?

How is the national sovereignty face to an financier-electoral carnival? face to the international media? However to persist inconstitucionalmente the usual financier-electoral carnival it has whenever to think the decisions previously and to always establish also a comparative study of costs for choice of better project.