Italian Stock Exchange

/ 70,000 will be after 2013, leaving the bulk of the savings to the next legislature. Government and opposition have been processed emergency setting. The plan focuses on cuts to pensions, the delay in retirement age and the reduction of tax benefits. The Italian Parliament has finally adopted this Friday the plan of budgetary adjustment by 79,000 million euros for the period of 2011-2014 with which the Executive of Silvio Berlusconi seeks to achieve a balance in the accounts. The Prime Minister has re-emerged in the public scene after being away since last Friday will start falls from the Italian Stock Exchange, and the meteoric rise of the Italian differential with the German bond. These economic turbulence managed Government and opposition to put in something agree to accelerate the parliamentary handling of the plan. The intention is that the markets open on Monday already approved measures.

The Italian alta-el Senate – Chamber approved Thursday the plan, which focuses its eagerness to savings and fund-raising for the public coffers in the cuts to pensions, the delay to the retirement age and reducing tax benefits by Affairs as having dependent children. The plan, which aims to achieve a balance in the public accounts in 2014, consists of four phases of cuts: 3 billion euros for 2011, 6 billion euros by 2012, and 25,000 and 45,000 million euros for 2013 and 2014, respectively, which leaves the greatest weight savings for the next legislature. In the municipal elections of may in Milan, birthplace of the berlusconismo and his Northern League ally, won nearly 11 points Giuliano Pisapia centreleft. Candidates from Berlusconi also fell in the rest of great places like Naples, Cagliari, Trieste or Novara. The next general elections are in 2013. Silvio Berlusconi has already announced that it would not submit. Source of the news: Italy approves the plan of adjustment of 79,000 million euros for the period 2011-2014

Parliament Bono

The Socialist President of the Congress believes that it would be good new SAP. I am lightweight luggage but I think live always with the PSOE in my heart. Jose Bono, the Socialist President of the Congress, said Monday, although it has not made a decision, prriria does not occur in the lists of the PSOE for the general elections. In the Albacete town of Salobre, Bono did not want to dispel the doubts about his presence on the lists for the elections of Nov. 20. I am lightweight luggage, and probably good that the new Parliament constitutes without any inherited servitude of the previous, he has pointed out.

He pointed out that this should not be interpreted as a lack of support to the colours of his party, which today more than ever, it has secured dnder with force. The rose in the heart I think living with the PSOE in my heart until I die has guaranteed. And there is, as it has an Apostille, fruits that one has already tasted in sufficient quantity and quality and that now, believes, they should share other companions. Asked about future responsibilities in his party, has limited itself to saying: all who wish me. With respect to the PSOE candidate to the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, Bono has praised his intelligence, skill and ability to work. He has shared the words of the Deputy Secretary-General of the PSOE, Jose Blanco, on which Rubalcaba will be in front of the match 20-N pass whatever happens. It has argued that the Socialist don’t want to stumble again on the same stone as when Joaquin Almunia and Josep Borrell shared the split of the party.

Provincial councils also is has rrido to the words of Rubalcaba on the provincial delegations and has agreed on the need to suppress them, because in the current context of constitutional duties can be perfectly acceptable by other administrations. The President of the Congress has also made balance of the legislature, which has emphasised the agreement of this House and the Senate to publish assets, income and activities of members of Parliament from September 8. It has ensured that no is due to popular pressure derived from the 15-M. Source of the news: Bono considers not be presented to the elections of 20-N


The reputed Professor George Philip from the LSE, who initially saw with good eyes to Fujimori, believes that he wandered like all Latin American President seeking to perpetrate in power. The student wear out and end up throwing overboard what previously had been achieved. In Europe there are indefinite student because persons holding the positions of the head of Government or State are not the same. However, things change in less rich and stable countries and where there is a President who concentrates these two functions. Latin American rulers who imposed two or more student ended up being deposed by popular or armed uprisings (Mexico 1911, 1989 Paraguay, Peru 2000). Chavez lost for the first time a few votes in the referendum to its proposal for indefinite re-election. While the Venezuelan left comes accepting if it wants to follow in Palace you must have a new ruler, Colombian been want to force new measures to extend the period of its President. Achieve Uribe win another term, in the long run, could end in his defeat and crash.

Interior Minister

/ VIDEO: ATLAS the candidate cannot be the Minister who organize elections, he says. It is the first occasion that has confirmed it will leave at least one of the positions he plays in the Government because of their status as candidate. It has ratified that the Government planned to run the legislature. The Vice President of the Executive, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, has advanced this Friday that will no longer be Minister of the Interior before the next general election because he considers that this position with the fact of being the PSOE candidate to the Presidency of the Government is not compatible. Rubalcaba has exposed that intention at the press conference that has offered at the end of the meeting of the Council of Ministers and that ratified that the Government planned to run the legislature. The Vice President has not revealed whether he will leave all of his posts in the Executive because of its candidate status, but asked concrete of if is considering the possibility of being Minister of the Interior until the day of the elections, has advanced it will leave before that Department. ES a no-brainer.

The candidate – has said – cannot be the Minister who organize elections. In addition, noted ironically that he appreciated that I could clarify this end if someone could think that he, as Minister of the Interior, would be giving the election results to the Socialist candidate. They say such rare things, added the Vice President on the first occasion that has confirmed that he will leave at least one of the positions he plays in the Government due to his condition of Socialist headliner for the next general elections. However, it has not advanced their intentions with respect to the moment in which abandoned the post of Interior Minister. Source of the news: Rubalcaba will abandon inside before the elections

The Lack Of Abode

The lack of dwelling Teodulo Lopez Melendez the banishment of the habits of humanistic appearance is the main logical event of our time, an event to which it is useless to seek refuge in arguments of goodwill. Peter Sloterdijk the lack of dwelling expression is Heidegger’s when letter on humanism thus defined the outstanding ontological trait of contemporary man. It is precisely in an errancy, how heideggerian, where is the man. Gianni Vattimo phoned the characteristic nihilist’s postmodern man weak thought. In the absence of a thought that speaks the truth and (strong) all has risen one who rejects the (weak) omnicomprehensive legitimations.

From there the suffering of the post-modern man would simply is not yet sufficiently nihilistic, because you have nostalgia for what was lost and is not yet accustomed to the dissolution of being, this time stamp, so that man is It ensures to live with semiverdades and without grounds. We will have to resort to a paradigm of complexity such as Edgar Morin, defined him to move to a logic contrary to immobility and make waking the man. We are involved in static concepts, man has left to conceptualise in a complex manner. The totalizing vision that exceeds human contradictions this is, the utopia – remains already hanging on the coat rack. The protest of the subjectivity in this way destotalizo, although the lack of answers causes 21st century some totalitarian scatological complete closing of the social and the conservative reaction of denial of the possibility of change in the established.

The human being is shown splinter. It is pessimistic and selfless, as if it nadase in a dystopia of an absolute solitude against himself. Protective wrappings disintegrate, as the nation-State, powerless before the unique problems that have become universal. Against this, the lack is that of a complex thought, one that we might well call disutopico, open to the emergency.

Mohamed Jatami

A modernization that passes through the reform of economic structures, the fight against inflation, which reaches record of 20% per year, against unemployment, against the accentuation of the gap between rich and poor. Presumably, therefore, internal problems to focus future discussion national. Not confrontation interested to the inhabitants of the Persian country both with the West over the nuclear program, as the broken promises of Ahmadinejad, who Center their presidential campaign in defence of the interests of the poor. But if criticism of questionable economic management of the President have abandoned streets of the Souk for meeting its due echo in the pages of major newspapers, his handling of the nuclear crisis has, strangely, the almost unconditional support of the classes more disadvantaged, little prone to forget the old nationalist cliches, that loan to Iran, cradle of an ancient civilization, that owns and defends values much higher than those of the West. While the military seem willing to support the current conservative turn, students show their total indifference before the results of the elections. Remember that the reforms announced in the 1990s by the team led by the liberal Mohamed Jatami stayed in water of Borage.

The University not only unknown to the candidates, but rather just feel curious about them. You know beforehand, like the rest of the Iranian population, the current conservative will feature more than 70% of the seats in the new Majlis (Parliament) and that the struggle for instead is limited to a few veiled criticisms of governmental action, that hidden, in fact, large maneuvers devised by the promoters of the generational change. Apparently, all attempts of Washington promote or impose the establishment of a democratic system (i.e., pro-Western) have failed.

European Parliament

Curiously outsiders of the EU or the hallowed Yes afford, even if they have just arrived in this city, but not the more than half a million latinos who are not yet citizens, despite the fact that many of them live there since the last millennium. The shift to the center-right seen in England can finish doing that the hard left does not come to the Assembly but allow Yes that, for the first time, the neo-Nazis of the BNP (British national party) leguen to this. Without having this time an election to the European Parliament (as there was in May 2004, at the same time that the city of London), which benefited to the Party of the independence of the United Kingdom (UKIP) – a force that only takes in this kind of election votes pose reject to the EU – and taking into account that UKIP has been divided, it is likely that the BNP, strengthened in certain local elections, in its organization and capitalize on the white working class unhappy with labour, is a surprise. If Brown and Livingstone had tried riding the pro-socialista wave that came from Spain and France his chances had improved. Instead Brown gave Sarkozy the best reception London has given to a French President in decades, which can not channeling that wave anti-conservadora. At this stage it is very difficult to prevent the Conservatives manage to be the first force within the London Assembly or to become to win in most of the 15 London areas where a representative is chosen directly before this. However, Livingstone still can give a fight and give the surprise to regain the Mayor’s Office.

He has said that this is the most difficult of his life battle, is a master at tactics and is possibly the most popular labor that there is. A possible tory London victory would do that for the first time the Mayor of this city, created in 2000, pass into the hands of the right. Livingstone will say that this is a disaster because it would affect their programs since transport and housing and the modern and multi-ethnic character that wanted to impose upon London. Conservatives, for their part, will see that triumph as an escalation to undermine and depose the labour and make a Government who wants to stimulate the economy by promoting lower taxes but more privatizations and concessions to investors and also try more to control immigration and crime. While for Brown is a positive thing to be so close to the French President and for Livingstone be within the ruling party, the truth is that new Labour’s Alliance with the European conservatives at the end finished working in favour of the tories and that Ken gobiernismo turn out to be its Achilles heel.

United States Markets

After a few turbulent weeks in international financial markets, in the beginning of this week you can breathe optimism and a little peace of mind. As I said in yesterday’s article and one day the markets changed humor ads in Governments to sustain their systems financial gave result and markets changed their mood. To complement the barrage of ads produced during last Monday, yesterday, USA.UU., confirmed the partial nationalization of banks consisting of the purchase of shares of such entities, what plan to allocate $250,000 million US $700,000 billion of the rescue program approved by the US Congress.The U.S., which ended dispel the fears in the market about the U.S. financial system. Calm in international markets and the brake to the meltdown of the American financial system, have undoubtedly represented a great relief to Mexico. Is that the Mexican economy, which already feel the impact of the slowdown (or rather, recession) was American economic, In addition, affected from other fronts that were threatening to generate a destabilizing effect. Until a few weeks ago ago, the American crisis felt in Mexico through reduction in U.S. demand for Mexican products and the reduction of remittances that Mexicans resident in the United States.UU., sent to the country.

But in recent weeks, the financial channel also began to feel the impact of the crisis in the U.S. financial system. The same Guillermo Ortiz, Governor of the Bank of Mexico, acknowledged in an interview the impact of the crisis on the financial channel saying: three weeks ago did not feel any contagion through financial channels, but already feel financial contagion. The turmoil in markets had resulted in a strong weakening of the Mexican currency against the US dollar, reaching quote at $14 per unit of the greenback. In this context, the Central Bank of Mexico came to sustain the trading of its currency, which had to pay a cost for not inconsiderable.


Deputies, the date, the law will pass to the Executive for promulgation. Thus, a cherished dream will be made 18 years ago. Peicha, 18 ary rire, jarekota nane ko lei tuicha oipytyvotava ne ojepuru enguera retame has? au hekopete opaite mba epe. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS JEHECHAKUAA the adoption of the law of languages by members would not have been possible without the participation of committed and determined, in particular, the members of Parliament Dionisio Ortega, Ariel Oviedo and Emilia Alfaro de Franco, who developed positively for the treatment of the law of languages in the session’s date, even with preference in the order of the day, since the topic was originally in point 21 of 25 points to treat. Already at the meeting of the date, the Deputy Dionisio Ortega based the adoption of the law of languages, in his capacity of President of the Commission of education, culture and religion. Then, the Congresswoman white lilac Mignarro, in their status as responsible by the Commission budget, it also mociono the adoption of the law. Then the deputies Ariel Oviedo, Emilia Alfaro de Franco, did the same Victor Rios, Salyn Buzarquis, Cesar Garcete and Cesar Lopez.

To all those mentioned reach our surveys; and in general, all other deputies who vote in favour, cooperated in the approval and sanction of the law.