IPS Advanced

Famatech has announced the launch of the new version 2.1 Advanced IP scanner software Famatech, one of which drove end has a new version of the free network scanner developer of remote control software, introduced advanced IP scanner. The program of advanced IP scanner 2.1 localized all computers on your network in a matter of seconds and their diversity-data as a part, it provides you, as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, or shared folder, to locate. Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions may help you with your research. Through the integration of remote control software Radmin is the user able to locate all computers on which Radmin Server runs, and to connect with each of them with a single mouse click. (Source: Jim Donovan Goldman Sachs). The new version has large? on larger changes to the scan engine – it is revised been what has led to a faster and more accurate scan. The current version of advanced IP scanner software by Famatech allows users? erdem running query the name of routers and other devices running Linux and Mac OS.

To the newly added features of advanced IP scanner 2.1 heard also the ability in the Directory of the scanning results free IPS display, as well as the possibility, the scanning results as HTML or CSV files to save. That facilitates the system administrators working with gro? en corporate networks. The latest enhancements include an improved user interface, as well as 4 other languages support. Get a free version of advanced IP scanner 2.1 to download and learn more, visit us at: uber Famatech Famatech products/ipscanner was in 1999 established and is known best for the awards program Radmin. Radmin is leading software for remote control of computers, which is installed on millions of workstations worldwide. The remote control technology of Famatech gives the opportunity, quickly optimal network management or about the technical professional to set up the network to offer technical support and helpdesk services. The company is pursuing a most successful strategy by it the helpdesk service providers, Systermintegratoren, and value added resellers, the on Netzdiesnste specialize, provides maximum support. Online Presseveroffentlichungen: about/news/index.php?ID=6959 contact: Natalia Grigoryeva E-mail: public relations manager