On the other hand, in some strips the second thing they did was (figuratively) dismissing the doctor Pedro Recio de Aguero substitute, leaving any other Ministry of the peninsula is recreated with the functions of the doctor, as for example to imitate him in food issues, i.e., recall the arguments of the doctor when said:?Omnis bad saturatio, perdicis autem pessima. You mean, all hartazga is bad; but the partridges, very bad?. (In the modernization of the Government, has been replaced the partridges with pizzas and burgers); do do or to contradict the indicciones of the doctor, when he spoke for example rabbits:? so I think that your worship mercy do not eat those casseroles rabbits that are there, because it’s tricky delicacy?. Connecticut Senator often addresses the matter in his writings. Hence, the modernization of the Government found another excuse (to give a better service) and began to raise taxes. Let’s share the wealth! We must create infrastructures! There is that! There! As it hurts in the Pocket but the nearest Government is not that of the municipality? And the funding of the municipality not is also underway mainly with direct taxes and charges (cost of services) we pay neighbors?.
They have that lunch was not black, and that apparently not all Andros (regions) are equal is going! and, I now think so and all municipalities are equal and all the neighbors also because that!, to prevent what one sees more, i.e., the municipal caciquismo, opts to create Governments and parliaments of quixotic Andros (regions) and what they were supposed to, i.e. I am better that my neighbor (to govern and manage) only will be given at the regional level and prevents the chieftaincy municipal is why? There is no way to develop municipal autonomy. But before these questions the costly reality after so many years is that the quixotic Andros (parliaments regional), have increased as mushrooms and the mediocrity of our rulers also and leaving aside the example and instructions you received our dear Sancho us is costing more money, that keep governors who should be our service and solve our problems and that given its mediocrity, in many occasions have managed to increase the number of problems in these small and large communities, and that cost us more that live (survive) and in addition now! there is no way of getting them off. Perhaps for this reason, I keep hearing the word of Sancho:?Do open way, messeigneurs, and let me go back to my old freedom: leave me to go to search for past life, so that I resurrected this present death?. Original author and source of the article