Average Age

Already in our days our osmesmos trovadores and cordelistasso, them in general sing songs, create its repentes and recite literatures of oualheias proper compositions, as well as reproduce and create at the same time its proper histriasora of epic, lyric or satirical sort. The majority of them is writers, poets, singers and composers. The poesiatrovadoresca northeasterns reflects in its with characteristic even so very proper traditions epic and the Portuguese dapoesia lyricism of its people, carregandouma legalizes identification of the multiple expressions, translated for the cultural suasrazes historical egeogrficas. ValdomiroSilveira Writer, pioneer in the regionalistic sort, (1873-1941) in a Confernciaem Saints, as the extracted fragmentoabaixodescrito of texts preliminaresda workmanship of Leonardo Mota: Violeiros of the North; teceelogios to the trovadores of Brazil and the exaltaperante the Provenal ones of the Average Age. Citing entreoutros, Frederic Mistral (1830 -1914) lusitano writer, who fought for the regional omovimento of revitalizao of the culture of Provena and this if he all extended the south of France, alngua and Provenal literature in this period had come back to have the brightness quehaviam reached in the Average Age. (LAROUSSE, vol.6, p.3110.) Mota laments that: Our matutos trovadores had still not had a FredericMistral, of triumphant courage, that if it declared to them equal and came poreles, atos periodicals and until books, fazendouma new ' Mirelle' , in the characteristic language of regio.' ' (MOTA, BUENO, 1965, p.21), travelled for cidadesdo northeast and cantavamodas of viola. Ofolclorista Better Ansio when citing Xiquinha Ribeira declaracomo: Afamadavioleira of the hinterland of the Bahia, of andeiro spirit fazerpousada long in the place did not leave it where it arrived. Knowing to manejar the viola, noombro freed xale, arrested to it sings daboca umcigarro, docabelocom spotted the negrura a flower any, and was ready to win lguas and to go there to spill other people’s emoias the favour and the espontaneidade of its rustic repentes.