The inability to advance a comprehensive model in education has come from the same characteristics of modern thinking that we saw is fragmented in nature. So our challenge is to go from fragmented to comprehensive, inclusive and articulated models models. In education holistic, integrity is the achievement of the unity through diversity, the development process means greater integration through differentiation, pluralize, and integrate, integration of unity in diversity. For example, we currently have with concepts more integrals in various fields of education as intelligence, learning, knowledge, etc. Through having differentiated. Educators who requires our society urgently, are educators holistas, which considered that learning is a natural process and not a product that can be created on demand.
Teachers need to have more autonomy to design and establish educational environments appropriate to the needs of their students in particular. The mission that we have as educators will be Advisor and resource in training not only professional but also profoundly human, which train students so that they can live in the society of the interdependence and change. Educares them holistas must: v recognize and make creative use of Minks alternatives and multiple pathways of knowledge. v recognize spirituality as the principle and the formative force of implied order or transcendent reality. v Affirms that the process is as important as the product v consider learning at le context of family, school, community, global society and the cosmos.
(v) take into account the spiritual mystery of life and the universe in addition to empirical reality. Therefore the proposal presented to us the holistic model is a flexible, open and image in development that shows the integration of the different aspects of education as one as a whole holarquica, holistic education is the way for the evolution of consciousness until his omega point: spiritual awareness.